Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 8, 2010

28 weeks

Fun new purple maternity shirt.

With a baby girl growing under there!

Can't wait until she's on the OUTSIDE and in my arms!

Here are some tummy pics I tood this past week. My regular shirts aren't fitting anymore. They are pulling up and getting shorter and shorter in the front since Mia's growing so much now. I went to Ross and bought a few new maternity shirts that were short sleeved and found some smokin' hot deals! :) I'd gotten a few maternity shirts up in Utah, but they were mostly long sleeves and the hot and humid weather has started kicking in here and I was DYING. Anyhow, I found this fun purple shirt with cool lavendar and silvery metallic print on it that went over GREAT with my first graders. LOL


  1. Lookin' so cute! Love that belly!! :)

  2. Ross is awesome! They always have cute stuff for super cheap! If you can stand looking through the mess they have!

    You are looking cute(r) preggers! (o: I'[m sending those two bebes (Yours and Michelles) come by June 1st vibes LOL

  3. Aawwwww . . . cute little prego belly . . . Very stylish, Darcie! =o)
